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Lets get you Listed!

2021-02-20 by Aministrator
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Proudly a accommodation Host

…as a #want2stay Host

List your space

It’s free!! Share your accommodation without sign-up or listing charges, from a shared room to a second home, to hotels, Guesthouses, Apartments and more.

As a Host you make the rules

Choose your own availability schedule, price plan, requirements for guests, Sync you bookings . We’re here to help you along the way.

Welcome your first guest

Once your listing is active, guests can find you on Google, Bing etc. You can message them with any questions before their stay. You can spread the news posting your want2stay link on social media, or request your listing to be made a featured one.

Listing Steps

  1. Signup / Login – Scroll this page to the “Signup” section and register on our website as Accommodation Host / Owner.
  2. Profile – once you are signed in please complete your profile.
  3. List Accommodation – then click on “Add Listing” and follow the easy steps.

Go for it! Register Now!

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