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Things to do during Total Lock Down

When you have an total #lockdown staring at you, take it one day at a time as an opportunity to build new skills, explore hobbies and do things you’ve always wanted to.

#Want2Stay recommend the following list of ideas for you to explore:

1. Consider a house a makeover

With a lockdown in full progress, this may be a good time to change the decor and give your home a fresh new look. Change the curtains, move your tables, chairs and sofas around the house to try out new combinations. Besides burning good calories, this activity could help you creating more space and beautiful areas.

2. Stay in contact with friends and family

There is always someone, an elderly aunt, that slightly friend, or your former colleague—you really meant to call them back, but … you know how it is. This is a good time to find out how your friends and family are doing; if the seniors among them are coping well. Spread the warmth and stay bonded. But be careful not to spoil things with to many Whatsapp videos, especially if you are merely following them.

3. Discover the bookworm in you

Discover the bookworm in you
Discover the bookworm in you

Reading can be a great use of your me-time, simply because you will enhance your knowledge of people, society, history, culture, travel and more. Research shows that reading books keeps you smarter and more empathetic. Reading is the best secret of getting through these times.

4. Make time for yourself

We often don’t make time for ourselves. Indulge in some self-care. Ask your partner to give you a hair massage. Extend the time you spend in a warm bath.

Or, make a facial pack using ingredients at home:

Here’s a simple hack: mix three tablespoons of lemon juice with a tablespoon of turmeric powder, apply it on your face, leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash if off. This will leave your face moistened and glowing. Share the recipe with friend on social media. In fact just copy the link of this blog post and share. It will serve as a good reminder for you too.

5. Digital keeping

Your digital keeping may be in a mess: photos all scattered, some music is nowhere to be find, old text files need a clean up, not to mention system backups and updating of your operating systems. Most important, it’s a goog time to change all your passwords and to store them in a safe place.

6. Put some work into your body

Put some work into your body
Put some work into your body

You need to be active. Take up yoga or Pilates, or join a functional workout class from home. Many yoga and fitness trainers are offering classes online at this time—follow them on their social media pages to find the best option. The fitness and aerobics videos on YouTube can be real fun!

7. Make things Easier, Simplify your life

It’s time to re-evaluate what you should consider ‘essentials’. Try and figure out what you really need and what you don’t. This is a good time to do some trimming. The experience will help you gain a completely different perspective of your life. Often we stockpile and keep things that are making us stressful and irritated. This is the time to pass it on.

8. Connect with Photos

Flipping through photo albums makes us significantly happier than chocolate, music and watching TV. Those looking at their favourite photographs are the happiest. Sit with your old pictures one of these days to travel back in time and connect with happier, simpler days and share it with your family around a cup of tea.

9. Let the creativity flow

Start playing guitar, be creative
Start being creative

Is that music instrument, that you bought a few years ago, gathering dust in your closet? Dust it off. Make a habit of it to sit in front of your notes and practice. There are hundreds of YouTube tutorials that you can use. Learn to dance or take up karaoke. Bring-out your inner Bee Gees.

10. Do an online course

Many reputed universities and collages are offering free online courses. They range from public speaking to almost everything.

There are many other online learning websites that charge you for the courses, but it may be worth the time and money. Some companies are asking their employees to skill-up during the lockdown. Try to go back to your office with skills that may serve you well in the future.

11. Prepare for the next crisis

Consult your financial adviser on how you prepare for a crisis of this scale the next time. You need to understand how much money to put away in an emergency fund and have a look at your medical insurance? Also, what about your bleeding equity portfolio, because of the stock market crash?

How well prepared are you at home? Look at your daily essentials, medicines, etc. You will avoid ‘panic-buying’ situations if you are generally well-stocked. We are not recommending hoarding, but be prepared for the next emergency, while hoping that it never comes.

12. Cook up a storm

Room Picnic - Cook up a storm
Enjoy an room picnic with the kids

Cooking isn’t rocket science and there’s no end to online video recipes. Reach out to friends and family for cooking tips. You can also begin a book of family recipes.

Involve the kids, partner or roommate by splitting tasks or call a bunch of friends on a group video call. Even if you’re by yourself, put on some music, pour some wine and you’ve got a party!

13. Start an online book club

Pick a date and time, get together on remote conferencing platforms such as Skyp or Google Hangouts, crack open a bottle of wine and have yourselves an online book club party.

14. Join in on discussions

Participate in social media challenges and the tag-along games that are doing the rounds. Use your Instagram stories or your tweets to source movie recommendations, new music suggestions or start a discussion. This can help you reconnect with old friends, be part of larger ongoing chats and could help alleviate the cabin fever are experiencing.

15. Quit a bad habit

Break bad habits, build good habits.
Break bad habits, build good habits.

Know your bad habit triggers, capitalize on life-altering changes (hello, quarantine) or replace your bad habit with a good one. Plus, the lockdown introduces a new barrier—the lack of access—which can finally be the push you needed all along.

16. Organize yourself

We all have paperwork that we’ve never had time to sift through and organize. Whether its bills, receipts, doctor’s prescriptions, insurance or financial papers, use your lockdown time to sort things out.

Apart from freeing up space and de-cluttering your storage, you’ll get the added benefit of having all critical documents filed in one place so you’re not turning the house upside down when you really need them. To store some in pdf is also a good idea.

17. Bring the outside into your home

It’s a good idea to bring the outside into your living spaces, and the easiest way to do that is by growing a home garden. Not only do plants make your home more aesthetic, they purify the air. It keeps you fit.

Vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplants, pumpkins, chillis, and peppers are all fairly easy to grow at home, so too are herbs such as mint, lemongrass, basil, mustard, coriander, ginger and even greens. You’ll need a place that gets at least 4 to 6 hours of sunlight, a water source close by and any container that is around 10 inches in diameter and height.

18. Plan your next vacation

Plan your next vacation on and

Need one more to say; plan your next vacation. Make a bucket list (if you don’t have one), and start working on your next trip. If you have zeroed info on a country/city, research on the must-see and the hidden gems, places where you want to eat, where you want to shop. Get that itinerary ready. The pleasure of arm-chair travel is unique! Ask and to help.

19. Relive your childhood

As kids, most of us loved playing board games, may it be Ludo, snakes-and-ladder or Scrabble. Some of these games must still be lying in some corner of the house, gathering dust. It’s time to start playing with the family. Once you are done with your work-from-home, you can sit with the family every evening. Rediscover your kids and the child in you.

20. It’s time for spring cleaning

Put away the woolens, clean your closet and make a pile of clothes that you can give away. In fact, you can do this for every person in your house. Enjoy it!

21. Make a wish list for life after lockdown

Three weeks is a long time, but know that this too shall pass. Make a list of all the things you want to do once the lockdown is over; – going to church, visiting the dentist, meeting your best friend(s) over coffee, playing football, taking your elderly aunt out for dinner, or just going back to walking in the park or on the beach.

Team: Want2Stay

Family Vacation.  Focus on the family.
Family Vacations are Fun!

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