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Hermanus Whale Coast Dining

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Stunning Beach Restaurant at Hermanus

This newest addition to the Hermanus restaurant scene is set to charm diners not only with its delectable Pinchos menu but also with its unique setting right on the water’s edge.

Platter / Tapas treats at Hermanus Beach Town

Because the decks of the restaurant are higher than the pool, they do not hamper anyone wanting to enjoy the water. You can enjoy a delicious meal and the beach and ocean at the same time.

The decks wrap around Fick’s Pool, hugging the cliff face, with an outdoor wine bar and a stage area under a Bedouin tent where musicians can perform. The pool and the area surrounding it have been thoroughly cleaned up. The surroundings are now spotless and the water crystal clear, promising to be the perfect place from which to watch the sun set over Walker Bay.

Restaurant at Fick’s pool in Hermanus, West Coast, South Africa

And if you need to list accommodation or book accommodation then visit and – Enjoy it!

Category: Best Restaurants

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