Want2Stay Vacation Accommodation Helpdesk

How do I cancel my reservation

How do I cancel a reservation request?

As long as your reservation hasn’t been accepted by the host, you can cancel the reservation. You won’t be charged for the reservation or Want2Stay service fees. However, once the 1st reservation payment was made you may not cancel a booking without the consent of the host and if you cancel, then the 1st payment booking fees will not be refunded. 

If you cancel after the reservation has been accepted, your reservation will be subject to the terms of the cancellation policy selected by the host.

To cancel a pending reservation request:

  1. In the Want2Stay app, go to Bookings and choose your booking
  2. Tap Your home reservation. If you’re already on your booking, you may need to click your check-in date to find this info.
  3. Tap Cancel

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